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Course 01 - Leading ChangeCourse 01 - Leading Change

Corsum Academy Course 1

The Leading Change course explores the benefits and challenges in leading organizational change through six engaging lessons. The Leading Change course challenges leaders to look at their projects, tasks, and areas of responsibility.  The pitfalls and benefits of developing change leadership competencies are also explored. Participants will learn the eight steps to making change stick in their organization. Topics such as short-term wins, shared vision, and change leadership are discussed using a multimedia format.

Credits: 1
Estimated Length: 2 hour(s)


Name View Schedule
Online Lesson1. Lesson 1 - Introduction to Leading Change -
Online Lesson2. Lesson 2 - Communications -
Online Lesson3. Lesson 3 - Overseeing Team Development -
Online Lesson4. Lesson 4 - Aligning Business Contructs -
Online Lesson5. Lesson 5 - Creating the Next Generation Leaders -
Online Lesson6. Lesson 6 - Higher Purpose -
Online Lesson7. Leading Change - Final Thoughts & Knowledge Check -


  • Identify the change leadership competencies
  • Identify the challenges to change leadership
  • Describe the process for change that sticks
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