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Course 05 - Becoming a Trusted AdvisorCourse 05 - Becoming a Trusted Advisor

Corsum Academy Course 5Becoming a Trusted Advisor is a basic tenet in a strong client-advisor relationship.  This course discusses the essence of  trust and what it means to develop trusted relationships.  The characteristics of a trusted advisor will be presented and participants will determine the stage of their current client-advisor relationships and how best to proceed to build trust and become a trusted advisor.

Estimated Length: 1 hour(s)


Name View Schedule
Online Lesson1. The Benefits of a Trusted Relationship -
Online Lesson2. The Evolution of a Trusted Relationship -
Online Lesson3. Characteristics of a Trusted Advisor -
Online Lesson4. The Trust Equation -
Online Lesson5. Developing Trust -
Online Lesson6. Knowledge Check -


  • Identify characteristics of a trusted advisor
  • Determine your status toward being a trusted advisor
  • Develop an action plan for becoming a trusted advisor
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