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Course 11 - Extending and Expanding BusinessCourse 11 - Extending and Expanding Business

Corsum Academy Course 11

The Extending and Expanding Business course is designed teach leaders to become more effective business developers.  Participants will learn how to extend their current operations and expand their customer footprint by identifying what currently makes them successful and then developing an explicit plan for growing their business.

Estimated Length: 49 minute(s)


Name View Schedule
Online Lesson1. Who Does Business Development? -
Online Lesson2. Building off of Customer Success -
Online Lesson3. Deepening Existing Client Relationships -
Online Lesson4. Extending and Expanding Market Presence -
Online Lesson5. Knowledge Check -


  • Becoming a Trusted Advisor for your customer
  • Leveraging successful customer interactions
  • Creating a plan for building deeper and wider business relationships
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